Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Be Yourself

You are the unchanging you.

You are the same you that you were when you were a child and the same

you that you will be on your last day.

And yet you can only be your best as you are now, not as you used to be,

not as you will be in twenty years.

You can only be your best as yourself, not in immitation of someone else,

not by following someone else's standards, only by fulfilling your own.

Be yourself, not what other people want or need you to be. Wherever you

can be yourself is the place you're supposed to be. You cannot be your best

where you do not feel like yourself.

The person you should be with is the person in whose presence you feel

most like yourself, most like your best.

When you have to give up part of yourself to be with another person,

you always miss the part that you sacrificed in order to be together,

and you hold the other person hostage for the part of yourself you miss.

When you are lonely it is always for that missing part of yourself.

Your work should be about you. It should mirror your best and capture
your desire.

You should be able to find yourself by losing yourself in your work.

When you are bored, you are not living your own life.

You don't have to try, you just have to be.

Be yourself where you are right now, Every part of your life should tell you
a life story,

for if you own yourself fully, you possess the world.

" I seek myself in everything I do.

I find myself.

I dream my dream wherever I go.

I become myself. "

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