Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome to the Dark Chobit

As Captain of the Dark Chobit, I welcome you to my ship. But this visit will be brief, as I have no patience right now to deal with the likes of you.

I have villages to plunder and towns to raid, so I'm only going to introduce you to my crew for now.

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The popular, bubbly first mate of the Midnight Pirates, CrimsonSnow is a constant support to her crew. She is calm and level headed with oodles of patience. Always there, her crew members flock around her for her soothing aura. Beware though, her fave weapons are her chains, and she is NOT afraid to use them. She'll have you whipped in a second and send you to Davy Jone's Locker before you can say "Ai!!" =X

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This sassy Master Scout is constantly on the move. Chock full of energy, KuraiCho runs around to different rooms and servers, making sure the coast is clear for his crew. The Pirates would find themselves in constant peril if not for his speed and sharp eyes. Never taking a moments rest, he hones his dark skills by snatching extra moves from the system. An unstoppable whirlwind, don't get in his way or you will pay the price... =X

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The helmsman of the Dark Chobit, Lorex drives his crew and their ship forward. He cheers his crew on and brightens everyone's disposition. Without him, the Midnight Pirates are lost. Don't let his calm, sometimes blur exterior fool you though. A pirate to the bone, he sells his favours for a price. Not even his crew is spared. He is a silent killer. Let your guard down when you dance with him and you can kiss 1st place goodbye... =X

Now go! I shall deal with you later.


Lorex said...

hmm...captain still owes me alot of dens.... ^^ *jot down on new book to continue.. ARAR!!

Lorex said...

WOOOHOOO Nicely Done Capt ^^
ARAR!! CHEERS to The very end!!

NightPrancer said...


.... and u said i was exaggerating...
