Crew of the Chobit
The comic Quipster of our crew, you can never predict what JhunZ will say next. He trains hard, but still finds the energy to liven up his crew and make them laugh. His antics and charm has sealed his place as one of the most unforgettable of the Midnight Pirates. Enjoy his presence, but be wary of him, he is still a pirate after all. When your too busy laughing he’ll catch you by surprise and leave behind as he perfs and 8ks his way to first place… =X
P/S He has a thing for chobits. Watch him and Kurai when they are on deck together, and make sure your sitting down and not holding anything in ur hands cause you WILL drop it... =X
Woot!!! Cool Haha Did i relaly like that XD!! Hahaha
Thanks capt XD!!!
Nice one!! xDD
The thing with chobits is soo right LoL
Rock on Jhun!! =D
p/s: where's the rest of the crew bios? LOL
I'm getting there... hope Dest and Kitty dun mutiny before I get them up
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